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Geocities Q&A with Brian, Scott and Pat - 2002

Q&A after the Southampton gig.


Do you like it in crappy England?

Um....It's ok

I like the space twins but I can't find any of your albums.

Thats because we don't have any albums.

It says (on the handout) Malidroit is being released is that the English date?

As far as I know it's a April date.

What's the deal with Rivers beard?

I don't know I've never asked him.

What was Rivers saying (during the gig)?

I don't know.


Are you playing Reading this year?

Yeah hopefully, I will try and persuade the guys to come back, i like it here.

Were we louder then the Scots?

I was gonna say, I didn't think it was possible to enjoy myself more then Edinborough but i did.

What's going on between you and Rivers at the end of the photograph video?

Here's the deal, we were practising in the little room and I couldn't find the door and I was to embarrsed to say I couldn't find it and Rivers kept saying 'It's behind the curtain' but all there was were sinks so in the end I pretended to get mad. He had kept taking the mick out of me and thats why I say, 'You've made a fool out of me for the last time this half hour'.

Did you hear what Rivers was saying?

No I didn't.


What was Rivers saying?

I don't know I was singing 'Ask' by the Smiths.

Your a great drummer.

Thanks a lot.

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